About me

9 years ago, I moved to Wisconsin from South Texas; it changed my life. Stepping out to live an adventure on an unknown map was everything to me. I met a man who is the LOVE of my life, my very own Prince Charming. I also became a bonus mama to three amazing kids overnight.
I love the finer things, but I hate the price. I live life searching for the most high quality experiences at the best prices. This blog explores all my travel adventures—foodie, epicurean, vacations, trip planning, you name it! My husband and I are also BIG Disney buffs. We look for magic everywhere we go!
We have figured out how to have quality family trips while also having quality couple's time and travel—all on a shoestring budget. When presented with the challenges of blended family schedules, we have still made great memories on fun trips. If we can live life to the fullest in this way, ANYONE can! And by the way, travel doesn't have to be across the world. It could be in your own backyard or town! I love finding the joy in simple pleasures.
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